Eastern Imperial Eagle (白肩鵰) ; Eurasian Hoopoe (戴勝)
Little Egret (小白鷺) ; Glossy Ibis (白頭䴉鸛) ; Purple Heron (紫鷺)
Grey Heron (蒼鷺)
Macedonia (2001, 2008, 2000)
25th December, 2010. Gjorche Petrov
After couple of days, I got a mail from former Yugoslavia country again ; it is the forth after Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. Thanks Ana of this cover and selected variety issues from different period, included two WWF issues : Eastern Imperial Eagle originally to be found in south-east of Europe, west and middle Asian countries. As the inhabit loss, population was decreasing and now it is rarely to find them in Hungary and Pannonian Basin. Hoopoe originally is a common bird, however also the inhabit loss, population in south-east Europe is decreasing and endanger in Macedonia and nearby countries.
Herons and Egrets are common birds in the Europe and Asia, they are popular and famous to bird-watchers.